The University announced an Interim Teleworking Policy last March.
New Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct
Mon, 11/30/2015 - 11:20amEffective November 30, 2015, President Savoie approved for adoption the Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct.
On May 6, 2014, University President, Dr. E. Joseph Savoie directed the formation of a University Title IX Task Force to review our campus policies on sexual assault. He requested Dr. James Henderson, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to chair the Task Force. Task Force members included University students, faculty and staff. After more than a year-long effort, the Task Force finalized a draft Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct. The Policy was developed in concert with other UL System universities and the Board of Regents. It reflects newly adopted state legislation, as well as recent changes in federal laws. The UL Lafayette Title IX Office, under Vice President for Administration and Finance, Mr. Jerry Luke LeBlanc, is the office responsible for enforcing the Policy.
In order to meet various state and federal deadlines, effective Sept. 30, 2015, President Savoie adopted an Interim Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct. On Oct. 12, the Title IX Office proposed the Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct to the University Council seeking their review and recommendation for further dissemination. On recommendation of the University Council, the Title IX Office published the Interim Policy on ULINK for University students and employees’ comments. The Title IX Task Force reviewed the comments and made adjustments to the proposed Policy as necessary. The Title IX Office then hosted a forum to share the proposed Policy with the University community on November 18 and presented the updated Policy to the University Council on November 18. The Council approved the Policy, and the President signed it on November 30, 2015.
The Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct replaces the Interim Policy, which replaced the following: (1) Faculty Handbook Document XI, University Policy Regarding Sexual Behavior and Sexual Harassment; (2) Staff Handbook, Policy Document III, University Policy Regarding Sexual Behavior and Sexual Harassment; and (3) Student Code of Conduct and Appeal Procedures, Section 19 Sexual Harassment. For purposes of hearings and appeals related to Prohibited Sexual Conduct, this Policy and its related procedures replace the Student Code of Conduct and Appeal Procedures, Section 7 and Section 18.1-18.4.
The Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct is effective as of November 30, 2015. A copy of the policy is published on the University Policies Website at